In this thought-provoking title, neurologist Adam Zeman offers an enlightening view of consciousness seen through the lenses of science and philosophy, enhancing his discussion with case studies of neurological patients and observations of young children's expanding mental worlds.
In this thought-provoking book, neurologist Adam Zeman offers an enlightening view of consciousness seen through the lenses of science and philosophy, enhancing his discussion with case studies of neurological patients and observations of young children's expanding mental worlds."
"A grand tour of the terrain of consciousness, as viewed from neuroscientific and philosophical perspectives."--Colin Beer, "Quarterly Review of Biology
"[Zeman] is uniquely qualified to write this particular book, whose chief merit is that it provides a summary of the current state of play in neurobiology, psychology, and philosophy. . . . A very useful book."--John R. Searle, "Los Angeles Times Book Review
"A valuable contribution."--John G. Taylor, "New England Journal of Medicine