The Complete Literary Guide to the Bible, edited by Leland Ryken and Tremper Longman III, integrates literary and biblical studies. The book has four parts: The Bible as Literature, The Literature of the Old Testament, the Literature of the New Testament, the Literary Influence of the Bible.
The Editors Leland Ryken Wheaton College (Illinois) Tremper Longman III Westminster Theological Seminary The Authors Fredrick Buechner Novelist John Sailhamer Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Wilson G. Baroody (deceased) Arizona State University William F. Gentrup Arizona State University Kenneth R.R. Gros Louis Indiana University Willard Van Antwerpen Indiana University Nancy Tischler The Pennsylvania State University V. Philips Long Covenant Theological Seminary Michael Hagan North American Baptist Seminary Richard L. Pratt, Jr. Reformed Theological Seminary Douglas Green Yale University Wilma McClarty Southern College Jerry A. Gladson First Christian Church, Garden Grove, California Raymond C. Van Leeouwen Calvin Theological Seminary G. Lloyd Carr Gordon College Richard Patterson Liberty University James H. Sims The University of Southern Mississippi Branson L. Woodard, Jr. Liberty University Amberys R. Whittle Georgia Southern University John H. Augustine Yale University Michael Travers Grand Rapids Baptist College Marianne Meye Thompson Fuller Theological Seminary John W. Sider Westmont College Carey C. Newman Palm Beach Atlantic College William G. Doty The University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa Chaim Potak Novelist Gene Warren Doty University of Missouri-Rolla Sidney Greidanus Calvin Theological Seminary