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Management Communication (Andrews, Deborah C. (University of Delaware) / Andrews, William D.)
Management Communication
Untertitel A Guide
Autor Andrews, Deborah C. (University of Delaware) / Andrews, William D.
Verlag Cengage Learning, Inc
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2003
Seiten 240 S.
Artikelnummer 8269379
ISBN 978-0-618-21415-0
Auflage 0
Sonstiges Tertiary Education (US: College)
CHF 125.00
Nicht mehr im Sortiment/Fremdlagersortiment
Based on the assumption that management occurs through communication, this text offers a balanced presentation of theory and practice by providing numerous, detailed examples of complex business communication situations. In addition, Management Communication covers strategic approaches to both written and oral communication, multicultural and ethical issues, workplace diversity, globalization, group dynamics, and interpersonal communication. The text's flexible handbook format reflects how advanced and graduate/MBA students actually use textbooks--they can either read chapters in sequence or access specific sections to research particular issues and concepts.