How the Left Swiftboated America, FOX commentator and bestselling author John Gibson offers the first comprehensive defense of the Bush presidency against its numerous detractors. In this provocative political work, Gibson explores who was right and who was wrong in taking us into the Iraq War and a host of other issues, arguing that it was the Left that actually lied while claiming to expose the truth.
Swift•boat•ing (swift-bo-ting) n. as defined by the Left, the political trick of claiming to expose the truth while in fact lying.
Was George W. Bush really the worst president in American history? Was the Iraq War really the biggest foreign policy blunder of all recorded time? Did Bush really steal the 2000 election, make war on civil rights, torture innocent goatherds, and prove America's racism during Hurricane Katrina? If this is what you think, then you may have been swiftboated by the liberal media.
The swiftboating of George W. Bush began in 2000 and continued throughout his presidency, spreading lies about his response to 9/11, the Iraq War, warrantless wiretapping, enhanced interrogation techniques, the Surge, uranium from Nigeria, the number of deaths in Iraq, the federal response to Katrina, and much, much more. In How the Left Swiftboated America, talk-radio host and bestselling author John Gibson sets the record straight, showing how, in case after case, Bush's performance was much better than most people were misled to believe. And he calls on all Americans to fight back and put an end to the swiftboating lies of the Left.