"Thirteen years ago Rev. Nam Yong Song, and his spouse, the author, Myung Sook Park, came to Canada with only their two young children. They had to start from scratch. As Rev. Song studied at a seminary his wife, Myung Sook, maintained the household and looked after her husband's tuition while raising their two children. It was not an easy task. However, God let this newly arrived immigrant couple attend the School of Wilderness to be trained and disciplined through many unbearable trials before using them as His tools. Six years later, God blessed this family beyond their imagination. After the couple had overcome many painful difficulties and tearful trials, God gave them a beautiful, large piece of land that is surrounded by woods for the site of the Carmel Prayer House in Langley, BC near the US-Canada border. Patient, faithful endeavor and service to God was the key to this great blessing." -Rev. Byung Sub Van, a Poet and Pastor.
"This is a profoundly moving script. It is a must-read. Reading it, young and old alike will be richly blessed by the grace of God." -George M. Robb, MD.
"The couple had neither money nor any outstanding knowledge. They did not have any powerful supporters either. Yet they live like powerful men and women. What is the source of their phenomenal power? Read this book! You will find the answer!" -Rev. Jong Sung Kim.
"While I was praying together with the suffering visitors their pain became my pain. Their struggling prayers were my struggling prayers. When we prayed together in one spirit in tears I found their joy of answered prayers was my joy. To watch their joyful return home after experiencing the living God warmed my heart with thankfulness. Keeping the diary of them became this book." (Translator's excerpt)