Jim Garland is an entrepreneur, business owner, author, and business consultant. He started his company Sharp Details, Inc. from the trunk of his car as a boat cleaning service in 1991. In 1994 Jim repositioned his company to aircraft cleaning and now serves the flight departments of many top corporations in the world. Sharp Details, Inc. has grown into one of the premier companies of its kind in the United States. Operating in eight states throughout the East Coast Sharp Details, Inc. employees over 60 people and cleans up to 400 aircraft per month. An avid reader and student of self development, health and business concepts, Jim has compiled a library of books, tapes, and CDs on the subjects of entrepreneurship, financial freedom, wellness, the law of attraction, and success. This is what has led Jim to develop Garland Communication, LLC and the concept and realization of The Practical Guide to Exceptional Livivng. Jim currently lives in Alexandria, VA with his wife Carrie and his four children, Bayley, Ellie, Jack, and Benjamin. Jim enjoys spending time with his a family, travelling, surfing, golfing with his friends, staying in shape and cooking. He is the founder and President of Sharp Details, Inc. www.sharpdetails.com and the founder and Principal of Garland Communication, LLC www.garlandcommunication.com and the author of The Practical Guide to Exceptional Living.