"What I am about to say is not intended for everybody. I warn you: it is intended only for those who have ears for it. For others I would say something very different - possibly the direct opposite. And so, if you do not like what I say, if you find it uninteresting, or in part unintelligible, or offensive, or if, having heard my words, you are one who can forget them, then do not let yourself be overmuch disturbed by them. Do forget them. You are certainly not one of those to whom I am speaking. I am really speaking only to those who have ears for what I have to say - who have, as it seems to me, a rare kind of ear for a rare kind of music." In this book, originally published in 1935, American seer and author of "Which Way Western Man?" William Gayley Simpson expounds his philosophy, crossing Nietzsche with American Transcendentalism. "Pity prevents the elimination of human waste." - WGS