Dr. Anurag Shrivastava is presently working as Senior Assistant Librarian at Jawahar Lal Nehru Library, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University) Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (India) since 07th Jan 2013. Presently he is looking out the responsibilities of Coordinator Shodh-Chakra, Shodhganga, Sodhgangotri, Shodh-Shudhi, INFLIBNET Learning Management System, IRINS, Vidwan, Institutional Academic Repository, NDLI, Assistive Learning Facility for Visually Disabled Students, Technical Person E-ShodhSindhu and In-charge Periodical Section, E-resources etc. He has authored 02 Books and more than 10 Articles published in Journal/Conferences proceeding and edited books. His area of Interest is Library automation and Networking, Internet based resources and services and Information management. Besides above he is looking after the work of Managing Editor, Madhya Bharti Journal of Science (ISSN 0972-7434) and Member, Editorial Board, of Bhasha Bharti (ISSN 2321-5704) for the Years 2018-2020. He is the Member of, Academic Bank of Credits, Core member of Admission Committee, Advisory Board, of G- Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (GJEST) since September 2014. He is life members of ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS and UPLA.