"Kapardi" is a captivating narrative that seamlessly blends ancient Indian philosophy with contemporary geopolitical intrigue. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Himalayan Mountains, the story unfolds as a high-stakes game involving the Pakistani Intelligence Service (ISI) and a mysterious organization known as the "Sarvagni Crusade."
At the heart of the plot lies the search for an ancient temple, a relic of a bygone era believed to hold the key to environmental preservation. The ISI, driven by its own agenda, embarks on a clandestine mission to locate this sacred site. However, their pursuit is met with resistance from the Sarvagni Crusade, a group dedicated to safeguarding the temple's secrets and its potential to protect the planet.
A young, inquisitive CBI officer becomes an unwitting participant in this dangerous game. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she is confronted with a series of perplexing events that challenge her understanding of reality. The narrative skillfully intertwines elements of suspense, intrigue, and philosophical exploration, as the officer grapples with the ancient wisdom and scientific knowledge that underpin the conflict.
The story draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of Indian mythology and spirituality. It explores the profound connection between humans and nature, as envisioned by the great sages of India. The ancient hymns and worships, once revered for their ecological significance, are brought to life in a modern context. The novel delves into the timeless wisdom of these practices and their potential to address contemporary environmental challenges.
"Kapardi" offers a unique blend of historical fiction and contemporary thriller. It is a thought-provoking exploration of the delicate balance between human progress and environmental sustainability. By weaving together elements of ancient Indian philosophy, modern science, and geopolitical intrigue, the author creates a compelling narrative that captivates the reader from beginning to end.