Rose Glasser is content with her life in the small town of Madison, Pennsylvania. After younger years filled with trauma and regret, she's settled into her role managing My Pink Wink, a popular hair salon owned by Rose's surrogate mother, Mid Higgins. But when Mid unexpectedly dies, Rose's life is thrown into upheaval, and the future of the salon-and Rose's life-is suddenly in question. What's more, Mid has kept a heartbreaking secret she's shared with very few people, Rose included.
Former baseball player and current bad boy Griffin Stangel can't seem to get his life on track. After an unceremonious dismissal from his athletic career and a stint as a newscaster, where he's gone from heartbreaker to homewrecker, he is a joke and a punchline. And his latest screw-up thrusts him back into the spotlight and lands him in jail. So when an unknown aunt unexpectedly dies, he's pressured into checking out an inheritance he doesn't want in a small town he's never heard of.
Rose and Griffin have opposing lifestyles, opposing personalities, and opposing interests, yet sparks fly and misunderstandings abound in this feel-good romance. Both Rose and Griffin discover the past is not always as it seems, motives are not always clear, and loved ones are infinitely more complicated than they previously appeared. And so, it seems, is love. But in the end, they just might be able to overcome their differences...with a wink and a smile.