Denise E. Maricle, Ph.D., LP-MN, NCSP, ABSNP retired from academia in 2023. Over the past 30+ years, Dr. Maricle has practiced as a psychologist, school psychologist, pediatric/school neuropsychologist, and an academician and researcher. She currently engages in writing, training, and consultancy work. Christopher L. Bedford, Ph.D., LP, ABSNP is the executive director of the American Board of School Neuropsychology. Working as a psychologist for more than 15 years, Dr. Bedford currently operates a private practice in Minnesota. Julie A. Gettman, Ph.D., NCSP, ABSNP is the executive director of the School Neuropsychology Institute. She owns and operates Mindworks Assessment, a private practice and consulting company specializing in comprehensive neurocognitive assessment for children and adolescents. Daniel C. Miller, Ph.D., ABPP, ABSNP is the founder of the School Neuropsychology Institute, president of KIDS, Inc., and founder of Report Insights LLC. He has more than 35+ years of experience in school psychology and school neuropsychology. He is the executive director of the Woodcock Institute for Neurocognitive Research and Applied Practice. Wendi L. Johnson, Ph.D., LP, NCSP, LSSP is an associate professor at Texas Woman's University, and the assistant executive director of the Woodcock Institute for Neurocognitive Research and Applied Practice. Dr. Johnson currently serves as director of the Woodcock Autism Assessment Clinic (WAAC).