Kevin McGRATH was born in southern China in 1951 and was educated in England and Scotland; he has lived and worked in France, Greece, and India. He was an associate of the Department of South Asian Studies and poet laureate at Lowell House, Harvard University.Publications include, Fame (1995), Lioness (1998), Maleas (2002), The Sanskrit Hero (2004), Flyer (2005), Comedia (2008), Stri (2009), Jaya (2011), Supernature (2012), Heroic Krsna and Eroica (2013), In The Kacch and Windward (2015), Arjuna Pandava and Eros (2016), Raja Yudhisthira (2017), Bhisma Devavrata (2018), Vyasa Redux (2019), Song Of The Republic (2020), Fame (2023), On Friendship (2024) and Causality In Preliterate Song (forthcoming, 2025). McGrath lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with his family.