In an age when many people are frustrated and leaving the church because of what they see as the church's hypocrisies and failure to be faithful, author McCutchan explores, with both Biblical examples and our current reality, how God chooses to work through imperfections. He explains, as a prime example, how God transformed the cross, which appeared to be a sign of people's rebellion against God, into a symbol of hope and healing. He describes, with examples, how the weekly gathering for worship is the work of fully human members of the Body of Christ that reflects Jesus' ministry to proclaim release to the captives, sight to the blind, and efforts to set the oppressed free. He then offers a step-by-step procedure for how a body of Christians with both the strength and weaknesses of all humanity can open themselves to God's Spirit and offer a healing and hopeful witness to a racist society. Members of a Christian community can deepen their spiritual life while offering witness to the diverse community that reflects the Kingdom of God coming on earth.