An unexpected electrical blackout on December 31 leads the inhabitants of Guayabara to modify their New Year's Eve party. During the unusual celebration, the disappearance of old Romulo, the town's telephone operator, a man with a reputation for being sullen and dangerous, whom many look upon with suspicion, occurs. Immediately, suspicion takes hold of its inhabitants and leads them to be part of a game of lucubrations from which no one is exempt or can be considered innocent. In a small town in southern Colombia, at the mercy of an untamed river and an overflowing and enigmatic nature, flow the life and actions of these energetic characters who coexist under the command of temporality. Their hatreds and loves, their bitterness and joys, their starkest human condition are laid bare before the scrutiny of that foreign eye that, curious and even insolent, approaches to see their living everyday life.