For decades, the small town of Pleasant Point, CA has been home to unexplained mysteries and disapperances. The town's newest resident, Tala, has moved there to live with her aunt and attend junior year of high school after her father dies. On her first day in town, she meets Liam, and together, they discover a popular teen who had been missing for days, locked in a diner restroom. Eager to solve the mysterious disappearances and deaths surrounding an abandoned road on the edge of town, the duo find themselves thrown into a battle of their own fears. Their lives become nightmares as a half-horse-half-man Filipino monster-the Tikbalang-hunts them while they sleep. A modern take on Filipino-inspired mythology, Tala and Liam must find a way to send this deadly creature back to its realm before the terrors of their dreams become reality and their names become part of the town's dark legend.