No Ship Sets Out To Be A Shipwreck is contemplative, strange, passionate, funny and haunting. It both is and isn't about a ship. Personal yet universal, it reckons with mortality and the question of what vanishes and what endures.
Joan Wickersham is the author of THE NEWS FROM SPAIN and THE SUICIDE INDEX, a National Book Award finalist. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in magazines including One Story, AGNI, Hudson Review, Ploughshares, Boulevard, Poetry, and the Kenyon Review, and her work has been anthologized in Best American Short Stories and Best American Nonrequired Reading. Wickersham writes a regular op-ed column for The Boston Globe and her essays have run on NPR and in the International Herald Tribune. She has taught fiction and memoir at Harvard, UMass Boston, and the Bennington Writing Seminars. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.