John S. Bak is Professor at the Université de Lorraine in France and Founding President of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies. In addition to having published several articles on literary journalism, he co-edited (with Bill Reynolds) Literary Journalism Across the Globe (2011) and (with Monica Martinez) a special issue of Brazilian Journalism Research entitled "Literary Journalism as a Discipline" (2018). He currently heads the research project ReportAGES on world literary journalism at the Université de Lorraine. Bill Reynolds is Professor of Journalism at The Creative School, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada, where he teaches courses in narrative. He was one of the co-founders of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies, which was launched in 2006, and has been Editor of Literary Journalism Studies since 2014. He and John S. Bak co-edited Literary Journalism Across the Globe (2011), the first collection of essays dedicated to world literary journalism. |