Caraway is a wild plant with small flowers. Its seeds have different uses that could be replicated in the stories in this book: - Medicinal: in infusion, this spice calms childhood colic (many are the children who cry here, despite the lullabies), but, in addition, its topical use serves to clean and heal wounds, whether those of mothers defeated by life, those of a vizier in love or those of a shy stepbrother. - Culinary: a flavor, bitter and sweet at the same time, spices up most of the stories. In them, there is desolation and even horror at times, but the light of tenderness that saves always appears. - Relaxing: its aroma, used in oils and lotions, has a calming quality that the protagonists would have appreciated. If you are still interested in knowing other properties of Caraway, enter its pages and discover its benefits.