Diane Ward's poems are lucid short stories of relationships in urban life. Their urge is toward meaning while she creates meaning like bright beads separated by space in looping arcs across the gap. -- Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
Diane Ward is a U.S. poet associated with the first wave of Language poetry in the 1970s and has actively published into the 21st century, maintaining a presence in various artistic communities for decades. Ward has published more than a dozen works of poetry and has been included in numerous anthologies, among them: Moving Borders and Out of Everywhere, along with selections published in The Norton Anthology of Postmodern American Poetry and From the Other Side of the Century. Her books include Never Without One, Human Ceiling and Relation all with Roof Books. She has read widely in the United States, including the District of Columbia Arts Center, Small Press Traffic at New College, Segue Reading Series, The Bowery Poetry Club, and The Poetry Project of St. Mark's Church.