"The Lost Stradivarius" is a gripping Gothic horror novel written by John Meade Falkner, renowned for its atmospheric setting and sinister undertones. The narrative revolves around the ominous legacy of a cursed Stradivarius violin, its malevolent influence haunting the lives of those who come into contact with it. Falkner intricately weaves a tale of obsession, supernatural forces, and psychological turmoil, drawing readers into a world of eerie occurrences and unexplained mysteries. As the story unfolds, the protagonist, John Maltravers, becomes increasingly entangled in the dark secrets surrounding the violin, confronting the dark forces that threaten his sanity and his very existence. "The Lost Stradivarius" stands as a classic in Gothic literature, captivating readers with its haunting ambiance and its exploration of the timeless themes of fate, temptation, and the allure of the occult.