Hailing from Banares, Lakshmibai became the Queen of Jhansi in the Maratha Empire after marrying Maharaja Gangadhar Rao Newalkar. Revered as a prominent figure during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, Rani Lakshmibai's legacy embodies courage and resilience. She displayed exceptional leadership at a young age, proved herself as a formidable commander, and exhibited adeptness in governance. Upon the king's death, Rani Lakshmibai guarded Jhansi from the British forces. Her unwavering spirit thwarted the British occupation for as long as she drew breath. Ultimately, she met her martyrdom on the battlefield, leaving a testament to her valour and determination. Her remarkable courage left the British in awe, immortalising her as a symbol of unwavering resistance in the annals of history.