Novela ganadora del premio Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2023
Premio Nacional de Novela 2024 (Colombia)
"Solo un poco aquí reclama la condición sagrada de estos seres cuyo sufrimiento y cuya curiosidad por el mundo decidimos no atestiguar; se asoma a considerar el mundo desde otras escalas y temporalidades distintas. Este es un libro impostergable y de una rara belleza". Yuri Herrera Luego de su contundente debut, Azares del cuerpo, María Ospina Pizano regresa con una novela que es animales y movimiento: una tángara migratoria lucha con los desvíos que imponen las luces de la ciudad y sus edificios, un puercoespín huérfano es alimentada con leche humana, dos perras se refugian juntas de sus abandonos y un cucarrón recién salido de la tierra se extravía. Estos seres vuelan, se acurrucan, se arrastran, gruñen, lamen, olisquean, se trepan y buscan morada por estas páginas de extraordinaria literatura. Ospina Pizano nos regala fogonazos de vida a través de aquellas criaturas que existen a plena vista sin ser vistas, pero que aquí (y siempre) son testigos de las heridas humanas.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONWinner of Premio Nacional de Novela 2024 (Colombia)“Just Here for a While claims the sacred condition of these beings, whose suffering and curiosity for the world we choose not to witness. A book that peers out to regard the world from other spots and different timelines. This book is of a rare beauty and must not be put off.” —Yuri Herrera Winner of the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Award 2023. After her outstanding debut novel,
Variations on the Body, Maria Ospina Pizano returns with a novel that is both animals and movement: a migratory scarlet tanager struggles with forced detours caused by buildings and city lights, an orphaned porcupine is fed human milk, two dogs take refuge together after being abandoned, and a beetle that has just come out of the earth gets lost. These beings fly, cuddle, crawl, growl, lick, smell, climb, and look for a place to dwell within these pages of literature extraordinaire. Ospina Pizano gives us bursts of life through those creatures that exist unnoticed in plain sight, but that here (and always) witness human wounds.
After her outstanding debut novel, Variations on the Body, Maria Ospina Pizano returns with a novel that is both animals and movement: a migratory scarlet tanager struggles with forced detours caused by buildings and city lights, an orphaned porcupine is fed human milk, two dogs take refuge together after being abandoned, and a beetle that has just come out of the earth gets lost.