"The answer to the question posed by Jeanne-Marie Osterman's new collection of documentary poetry, Who Killed Marta Ugarte? (a school teacher), is the murderous regime of Augusto Pinochet, who with the assistance of the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Chile in a military coup fifty years ago (this book is being released on the anniversary of that tragic event). Osterman describes in chilling, often sickening detail how Ugarte was one of more than 3000 Chileans murdered or "disappeared" by Pinochet's henchmen, many of their bodies tossed into the ocean weighted down with railroad track, while tens of thousands of others were brutally tortured. "Who Am I", she questions herself, "to be a voice for the disappeared, / fifty years later, / put into words wounds / of a country not my own, / language not my own," but she answers a moment later with an acknowledgment of complicity, "wounds from guns of country, my own." For it is only by revealing and confronting the enablers of such atrocities that we can hope to prevent them from happening again. The volume is enhanced by photographs by the author that further document and commemorate the victims"--