This is a wide selection of poems from my teens up to Easter '23. Quite a few are merely, included because they give glimpses into aspects of my life. There is a thread concerning problematic identities and the complexity of relationships. There are unanswered questions and a pervasive ambience of mystery. Many poems reflect my nuanced Socialism and passion for social justice... And there is a spiritual journey towards Progressive Christianity.
Lorna Forrester is passionate about the themes of her first novel and sees it as a contribution to on-going dialogue and as support for individuals who are struggling with the two main issues of LGBT Christians and over the interpretation of the Bible generally. Influenced by the American ex-pastor, writer, blogger, international speaker and leader of the emerging church, Brian McLaren and by Oasis church and charity here in the UK, Lorna is hoping to encourage ex-evangelicals and to raise the profile of Progressive Christianity in these times of upheaval. Somewhat of a recluse, Lorna Forrester is totally deaf and intends only to engage on-line, where she is concerned with encouraging irenic conversation. A grandmother of three girls, she is indebted to the elder two for their lively encouragement and pertinent suggestions, from start to finish.