Ova knjiga objänjava da je islam kodeks ¿ivljenja koji pokriva sve aspekte ¿ivota. Sastoji se od niza ibadeta: neki verbalni, neki prakti¿ni i drugi koji su sastavni dijelovi vjerovanja. Svi oni igraju vänu ulogu u postavljanju morala na ¿vrste temelje i jäanju dobrih osobina u ljudima tako da ¿ele slijediti pravi put, osiguravaju¿i dru¿tveno jedinstvo i jäaju¿i veze unutar zajednice. Knjiga navodi mnoge primjere i govori o znäaj koji islam pridaje znanju. Spominje niz nedavnih znanstvenih otkri¿a na koja se Kur'an osvrnuo prije ¿etrnaest stolje¿a.
The Key to Understanding Islam
This book explains that Islam is a code of living that covers all aspects of life. It comprises a set of acts of worship: some verbal, some practical and others that are constituents of belief. All of them play important roles in placing morality on a solid foundation and in strengthening the good qualities in people so that they are keen to follow the right path, ensuring social unity and strengthening bonds within the community.The book cites many examples and speaks about the importance Islam attaches to knowledge. It mentions a number of recent scientific discoveries that the Qur'an referred to fourteen centuries ago.