Croissance et Développement au Cameroun : D'une Croissance Equilibrée à un Développement Equitable is on the economy in Cameroon, and it is in line with sustainable development logic and its conditions in terms of economic, social and ecological sustainability. While following this logic, the book also focuses on two main dimensions, namely: economic and social dimensions. According to the book, the Cameroon economy is characterized by enormous resources and huge potentials; yet, the poverty level remains relatively very high.
A combination of a short medium term and long term vision has become indispensable to achieving sustainable development. Sustainable development can be understood through several dimensions mainly economic, social and ecological. Ssustainable, in economic terms implies balance development through time and different sections/groups of the society. However, in social terms, sustainable development also implies equity, which translates to sharply reduction of poverty or completely elimination of poverty and maintaining such through time and generations. Finally, it is a question of development which aims at ensuring that growth acquired is not jeopardized by serious social imbalances at the detriment of current generations as well as future generations. Furthermore, the book focuses on environmental issues. Within this framework, as the main objective, the book articulates growth, equity and balanced growth. This volume, therefore, brings out these challenges and suggests appropriate strategies for addressing them.