Urban Freight Transportation Management and Planning: Practice and Theory provides the reader with a solid understanding of the role of urban freight activity on metropolitan economies, the externalities produced by freight activity, and effective public sector initiatives to mitigate or eliminate altogether negative externalities. This book addresses key topics related to urban freight and solutions for key challenges from a practitioner perspective.
The authors systematically and pedagogically provide key and easy-to-digest information on a range of topics, including local economies and the role of supply chains and freight activity; technical procedures to estimate freight generation and freight trip generation; technical details about the wide range of initiatives that could address freight issues; and effective urban freight management and planning process (including both transportation and land-use). They also discuss simplified techniques to model and understand freight activity to support decision-making, and they incorporate key elements of sustainability and technology in different sections to provide an up-to-date view on how these relevant topics affect and are affected by urban freight.
This book is a valuable resource for practitioners as well as researchers and graduate students interested in gaining a thorough understanding of the realities of urban freight systems, supply chains, and urban freight management, policy, and planning.