Matthew Jose and Candice James are known as one entity, "CAMA JOJA", on their home planet Evidaris. When transporting to the Earth realm they automatically split into two entities which allows them to have separate and unusual, quirky and far out imaginings which they funnel into their collaborative poetry stories which serve to meld together the thoughts and short visualizations of Evidarian/Earthling potential and probable happenstances.
This collection of poems is the 5th offering from DOUBLE TROUBLE. series-a new kind of experimental, off-kilter, off-key but oh so very in tune poetry. It's in your face, slap your mind alive, quick-take happenings of everyday abnormal life on Earth as experienced by an alien entity possessed by two minds. This collaboration of the psyches will titillate, charm, disarm, shock and totally absorb the reader from beginning to end. In this volume, "mind benders", - and this time, the flash po-e-stories from the Evidarian Cama Joja are more about their separate "down to earth" yet still "strange as hell" experiences relating to humans and the human issue as they mix ever so surreptitiously into the unsuspecting population.