This book tells the story of a new historical dialectic in the world between two parallel processes: one of construction and the other of destruction. It lays out an empirical foundation for understanding the growth in the constructive global collective consciousness that began in the nineteenth century and the progress humanity has since made toward the achievement of a more just and peaceful world because of the discovery of new scientific and spiritual truths. Under the light shone on them by the constructive global consciousness, the outworn and destructive mindsets that have constituted the root causes of war for millennia, including racism, nationalism, religious strife, gender inequality and extremes of wealth and poverty, have now been fully exposed and delegitimized. Those who have been able to use these divisive attitudes as tools for their self-aggrandizing ends are bound to take a last stand. Yet, they are fighting a losing battle. Amidst the blinding haze generated by the accelerated collapse of outworn mindsets and institutions, this book seeks to bring into focus the forward march of the constructive process toward peace, and the powerful role each of us can play in its realization.