Because he was born into the true religion and strived to be "spiritual," Micah Allen Losh stagnated for decades. He had 30 different jobs before he was 30 and attended college and attended college three separate times - but always quit because he felt guilt for not prioritizing Jehovah. Losh always had an affinity for words and loved to create; he is a poet, author, artist and has performed stand-up comedy.
Micah Allen Losh believes art is healing and believes that empathy only takes people so far. If you haven't experienced certain things, sympathy is as far as you can go. It's his belief that other ex-Jehovah's Witnesses are the best resource for other ex-members. Written by Micah Allen Losh and edited by Moses Montgomerey, Mentally Diseased traces a journey of absolute faith to self-destruction to developing faith in oneself. If you were ever a Jehovah's Witness, then this story is at least partially yours as well. It is about using art you have created to empower yourself and others. It is for those Micah Allen Losh has met along the way and for all of those that will leave Jehovah's Witnesses after him.
This memoir is a call to others to develop themselves and become who they want to be. It is also a reminder that it is the object that decides whether or not it will be broken.