Do you find yourself going through the motions of life, wishing there was more? Have you stopped speaking up because you've been excluded from important conversations? Do you feel bound by obligation, drained and overwhelmed at the end of day?
These negative emotions and experiences induce stress and overwhelm in our bodies and minds, hijacking our intentional thinking and responses. We look for experiences to confirm our beliefs that we're stuck; and of course, we find them.
In her work as a coach and a facilitator, Kirsten Blakemore challenges her clients to reclaim their lives through self-awareness and choice. These are people from diverse cultural backgrounds, genders, and levels within organizations suffering at the hands of poor leaders and toxic relationships. Those who have felt shut down learn how to engage their courage and creativity so that they can shake up their life to create the outcomes they have always wanted but never dared to dream they could have.
Unleash You Power uses a a three-step process to empower people to make a greater impact within the workspace. You will learn how to equip yourself to achieve your goals. Through awareness and conscious choices, you will increase resilience and lead with authenticity, in business and life for deeper fulfillment.