// For five months these poets, meeting at their dinner table, have paused to jot down ruminations, and pondering more deeply have withdrawn to their bedroom to limn their dueling/mutual misunderstandings of the eternal questions of love, coexistence, and bodily presence, while never forgetting to eat dinner, their favorite meal.
// "This collaboration opens up what the everyday means to two people in love and what every day can be when opened up to the other. We need this."
-Joe Hall, author of The Devotional Poems
// "...Dinner Poems forces us to ask: what is collaborative writing as a genre? Moreover, what is the bare minimum at which a genre can function and still be recognized as itself?"
-Holly Melgard & Joey Yearous-Algozin, from the Introduction to Dinner Poems
// This is the first book in Bon Aire Projects' "Lovers" series.