The book, The Three Jewels and Five Precepts, was launched ten years ago (2007) with the second reprinting in 2010 and the third (2016) at H¿ng ¿¿c Publishing, Vi¿t Nam. This current edition (2020) will be printed at H¿ng ¿¿c Publishing, Vi¿t Nam. In presenting this edition, I have maintained the contents written in the first edition, however, for the sake of greater clarity, a few changes have been made, errors have been corrected, P¿li and Sanskrit terms are included, and a summary, as well as discussion questions, have been added at the end of each chapter.I would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks Bhikkhun¿ Viên Quang, Sikkhamana Di¿u Nga and Pamela C. Kirby (English editor) who worked as my assistants for English translating, proofreading, book design and publication.
University of California Riverside,
Bhikkhun¿ Gi¿i H¿¿ng