Spanning over 1,300 years, this popular history of Rome combines an overview of political events with a balanced analysis of social and economic change, and of religious and cultural life. This new edition includes increased coverage of the late republic, and more attention is devoted to the impact of material culture.
A History of Rome is a fascinating journey through 1,300 years of Roman history, from its mythic beginnings as a cluster of villages near the Tiber to its emergence as the center of one of the most powerful empires the world has ever known. This popular introductory text provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the key historic events, personalities, and powerful political, social, and economic forces that shaped Rome's path to glory.
The fourth edition of A History of Rome has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most recent scholarly research on literary sources and new interpretations of archaeological evidence. It includes expanded coverage of Roman imperialism during the early phases of the Empire, and more on the events of the late Republic period. A variety of enhancements and improvements to this edition include two color text, new pedagogical features, and more illustrations. Together, they serve to reinforce the book's stature as an indispensable resource on the history and enduring influence of one of the world's greatest empires.