The book The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW describes a wonderful dream that the author had. In this dream, the author is visited by numerous angels who fill him with virtues. As a citizen of the world, the author wants to share this dream with the world in order to show the reality of the dream and its message. The angels and the Jins, who are not visible to us, are real creatures who visit the Mosoulium of the Holy Imams of the Aehlebaait and the Rauza of the Rasool Allah Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. In this book, the author describes the two angels who visited the Rauza of the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. The Noor - the refulgence of the light of the angels - punches a neat round hole in the brick wall and the two angels enter the Rauza through it, travelling in the air to the Rauza.
This dream is so realistic that it should be taken note of in order to lift the convictions and the faith of all people of the world.