Ali ibn Abi Talib said: ‘The life of this world is quickly
departing and the life of the hereafter is quickly approaching and each one of
them has its children. So be children of the hereafter, not children of this
world. For today there are deeds without reckoning, but tomorrow there will be
reckoning without deeds.
In this life even an atoms’ worth of good is accepted if it
is done with sincerity. In the hereafter, the whole world in gold will do you
no good.
In every moment of the day of Judgment, from the moment you
rise from their grave to when you take your place in the assembly. From when
you are brought forth to be held accountable by your Lord, to when you are
taken to the scale for the scrolls to be weighed, from when you prepare to
cross the bridge to your anticipated arrival at the gates of Paradise. There are good deeds that You
have sent forth that will come to your aid. Deeds that will take you by your
hand and testify on your behalf, that will settle your feet and shade you from
the scorching heat. That will light your way in the darkness and guide you to
the abode of eternal delight.
So do not ask your Lord when the day of Judgment will be,
but ask yourself what deeds have you prepared for that day.
One day, you will die.
It won’t be the end, of course.
A blissful breeze under the shade of the Most Merciful may gently welcome you for a charitable hand you extended. Or anxiety and fear may grip your soul for a deed you did not repent from.
Every action you take in this life echoes a reaction in the next. Were you generous or withholding, kind or cruel, faithful or faithless? The Most Merciful multiplies reward, but is ever the Most Just, and every soul will receive what it has sent forth.
Dr Omar Suleiman gives a glimpse into the eternity you are building. Learn what worldly actions will ease your reckoning and light your way on the path to Paradise.