When asked, most Christians would say they know all about the most popular biblical accounts such as David and Goliath, Samson and his great strength, and the Creation account. But author, seminary professor, and pastor, A. D. Bauer asserts that our views of many of the most popular biblical accounts look nothing like what is actually in the Bible. In his latest book, Rev. Bauer presents very helpful biblical interpretation tools that enhance those we have used in the past. This new set of tools helps us see details we either glossed over or never saw in the first place. Bauer's dedication to Scripture draws us to look more deeply at the biblical text. He helps us recognize how we impose our interpretation on the biblical text, rather than allowing the text to speak to us. This frees us to see ways in which we missed biblical truths, allowing us to see the text with new eyes. The practicality and beauty of Rev. Bauer's book is that it allows people to apply these biblical truths as we live out our calling to "correctly handle the word of truth", 2 Timothy 2:15.