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Madagascar and Other Stories (Hunter, Frederic)
Madagascar and Other Stories
Autor Hunter, Frederic
Verlag Ingram Publishers Services
Co-Verlag Cune Press (Imprint/Brand)
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Artikelnummer 38614801
ISBN 978-1-951082-95-6
CHF 21.50
Noch nicht erschienen, März 2025

Madagascar and Other Stories is a tour de force by a distinguished writer. It is powerful and sometimes chilling in its emotional landscapes, accurately conveying the disorientation and dislocation of Africa during the consolidation of local rule. Yet the book is also filled with one-of-a-kind characters and jaw-dropping events thinly disguised as fiction.

A white girl disappears in the Congo jungle. A Belgian planter escapes his past. An African king bests an award-winning American journalist in a contest of will.

Author Frederic Hunter developed these stories from his experience as a State Department official and a journalist in Africa in the 1960s.

Ultimately, the reader is left with the humanity of Africans and the risks and also riches of cross-cultural exploration.

Frederic Hunter served as a Foreign Service Officer in the United States Information Service in Brussels, Belgium, and, shortly after its independence, at three posts in the Republic of the Congo: Bukavu, Coquilhatville, and Léopoldville. He later became the Africa Correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, based in Nairobi.

A playwright / screenwriter, Hunter’s award-winning stage work, The Hemingway Play, was given a reading at the Eugene O’Neill Playwrights Conference, presented at Harvard University’s Loeb Drama Center and produced by PBS’s Hollywood Television Theater series. Other plays have been performed at the Dallas Theatre Center, ACT in San Francisco, and the Ensemble Theater in Santa Barbara.

Movies Hunter has written have been produced by PBS, ABC, and CBS. Research for his PBS drama Lincoln and the War Within led him to write the historical novel Abe and Molly: The Lincoln Courtship. He’s taught screenwriting at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference, at UCSB, and at Principia College where he also taught Modern African Literature. Hunter’s Africa experience is the basis for several of his novels. 

Fred Hunter currently resides in Santa Barbara, California.