The Republic of San Magnolia...Eighty-Sixth Sector: Alone child soldier, Shinei Nouzen, touches down on a hellish battlefield. As the"Reaper" of the Eighty-Six, he is saddled with the last wishes ofhis departed comrades, and the obligation to take them as far as he can go. Thisis the tale of the people who made him into the Reaper, and the cruel, abruptincidents of death and destruction which stole them from him.
"What makes a Reaper? What hardships must an innocent child endure to become the vaunted champion of the Eighty-Six? A peek into the past will shed light on his truth. The path he walks is paved with bonds forged in love and broken by tragedy--the shattered fragments of stories untold, committed to memory through the iron will of the one who would shoulder their legacy."--Back cover.