Magdalena Andrade received her first BA in Spanish and French and a second BA in English from California State University, San Diego. After teaching in the Calexico Unified School District Bilingual Program for several years, she taught elementary and intermediate Spanish at both San Diego State and the University of California, Irvine, where she also taught Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Humanities Core Courses. Upon receiving her PhD from the University of California, Irvine, she continued to teach there for several years and also at the University of California, Riverside, and California State University, Long Beach, where she taught the graduate foreign language methods courses and coordinated the Spanish and French TA Programs as well as the Credential Program for foreign languages. For several years she has taught at the community college level, but currently, she is taking time off from regular teaching to help dyslexic children hone their reading skills. She also tutors special-needs students taking college-level Spanish courses. Professor Andrade has coauthored the textbook Dos mundos: Comunicaciï¿n y comunidad and the readers Mundos de fantasï¿a: Fï¿bulas, cuentos de hadas y leyendas and Cocina y comidas hispanas (McGraw Hill).