During the time of the covid we stayed home more. I got to reading old stories. I began to imagine another ending to the stories. Finally, I began writing the ideas down. Once I started, I enjoyed what I was doing. Just imagine being a troll in charge of the only bridge to the pasture on the other side of the stream. You have a cozy home next to the stream under the bridge. The animals have always done as they pleased. Mr. Troll has cleaned the area and mended the bridge. Now he is charging them to cross. The goats are a mess. They could care less. The last time the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff was told, the goats were in charge. Now, Mr. Troll has taken over. He plans to make it better. In the next retold short story, Goldilocks was stuck inside without her companions. She was very adventurous young lady. Finally, she was going on a walk. As she looked about her a new adventure begins to unravel.