The novel is based on an Assamese legend, Princess Mula Gabharu, the younger sister of the
Greatest Ahom King, Swargadeo Suhungmung Dihinigia Raja, who became a martyr while
defending border against the fifth attempt (out of 17 unsuccessful attempts in 158 years from
1527 to 1685) by the Mighty Mughals to subjugate Assam in 1533-34. She took a decision to
face the invading army after her husband Frasengmung Borgohain became a martyr fighting with
the same invaders. Her participation galvanized the Assamese Army to defeat the Mughals and
the leader of the invaders, Turbak Khan was killed by her stepbrother, Konseng Borpatra
Gohain. Her son, Ton Kham also took part in this battle. The novel also describes the heroics of
Sati Sadhani, the last Chutiya Queen and Kachari Prince, Detcha who were defeated by
Frasengmung Borgohain in two separate battles. The novel also refers about Rani Gaidinlu while
legacy of Mula has been shared with the readers.