It is of unparalleled joy for a mother to conceive and bear her firstborn - a sense of delight and excitement for what is ahead of her. Seeing my daughter for the first time was awesome. We named her Frances May, after my mother.
I conscientiously looked over Frances' growth and how she developed day by day. But I thought of her progress as a bit unusual; she was getting more and more behind in her development. At one year old, my baby went into a grand mal seizure. I couldn't help but have nightmares upon seeing my beloved child suffer at a very young age.
In no time, it was when we had to face one of the greatest battles we have ever fought as parents. Frances was diagnosed with a traumatic birth injury, birth anoxia, and cerebral palsy, causing generalized paralysis.
The Gift is a journey of not bailing out from the battle of uncertainty, the pursuit of upholding unending strength for the ones we love most and taking the simplest moments as treasures to be kept forever.
"We are grateful for her life and how she has touched our lives. Her love healed us in all ways. She was our miracle."