An unconventional, unexpectedly funny, brutally honest memoir about infertility, pregnancy and motherhood
'A fierce, honest, beautifully written account of love, and queer motherhood' Pragya Agarwal, author of (M)otherhood
'You and your partner want a baby. But your two bodies can't make a baby together.'
If you want a baby but your body says otherwise -
If you don't know the polite way to say thank you for the sperm -
If you're waiting for the sound of a brand-new heartbeat -
If you know it takes a village to raise a baby but have no idea who should be doing what -
If you're lurching between bliss and bewilderment -
If you don't fit the shape of what you've been told a mother should be -
Reach for The Unfamiliar and don't let go.
'What a book this is, probing gender roles and expectation, identity and desire. Luminous writing captures the uncertainty, the fear, the sheer physicality of love. It is wonderful' Marianne Levy, author of Don't Forget to Scream
'When pregnancy grabs hold of a body it uses it to tell a very old story, but The Unfamiliar insists on a telling that is vibrantly new. The result is a book of desire, of bewilderment, of joy, of grief, and of love' Doireann Ní Ghríofa, author of A Ghost in the Throat