In this collection of imaginative short stories that depict poignant moments in the life of a woman on a journey of self-discovery, the heroine, Grace, garners insight and spiritual wisdom from mythical characters-guidance that ultimately helps her to make an independent, authentic life for herself.
“Over the course of this memoir, Ewell’s prose is pleasant, straightforward, and evocative. His descriptions of farm life are particularly vivid .”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Ben Ewell’s memoir tells us that the bright light of success inevitably casts shadows. Alternately inspiring and daunting, this book is always engaging, with the unforeseen turns in the road leading to personal contentment all against the backdrop of a multi-generational story that blends close family ties with tragedy and loss.”
—John Hales, author of Shooting Polaris: A Personal Survey in the American West
“Ben Ewell portrays his passion for his family’s Ohio farm with intricate detail for the landscape. As a reader, I can almost touch the blackberries, the beech, and the maples. He writes with authenticity about his parents and siblings, bringing them to life on the page.”
—Sally Vogl, contributing poet to Lunch Ticket and the Main Street Rag