The purpose of this study was to examine the factors escalating e-waste production in Nairobi and consequenlty recommend mitigants to the e-waste problem in Nairobi. The study was guided three research queries including what the current state of Ewaste in Nairobi in the light of the existing policy recommendations was, what were the key obstacles in implementing a functional e-waste management system in Nairobi and what were the mitigants and best practices for implementing a functional e-waste management system. The geographical limit for the research and data collection was Nairobi and its environs. Nairobi is the heaviest consumer of electrical and electronic equipment and consequently has more challenges related to e-waste management. The study limited the product scope of electrical and electronic equipment; specifically air conditioners; computer; energy saving and fluorescent bulbs; fax machine; laptop; mobile phones; photocopying machine; printers; refrigerators; scanning machine; and TVs and audio equipment.