Discover the essential power of the seven chakras, including their colors, sounds, and key rituals, in this beautifully illustrated miniature guidebook -- a 3" tall hardcover ideally sized to slip into your practice bag. Get to know your seven energy centers -- muladhara, svadisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha, ajna, and sahasrara --in this enchanted introduction to the world of chakras. From the earthiness of the root chakra to the warmth of the solar plexus, explore the body's energetic focal points and bring balance to your wellness practice. Gain inspiration as you learn the crystals, essential oils, and meditations that activate and calm each chakra in the full-color, illustrated mini book.
RP Mini books measure approximately 2.5 inches by 3 inches tall, carefully bound for a great reading experience, and illustrated throughout.
"A short introductory text on the seven chakras, including colors, sounds, placement, and rituals"--