There once lived a farmer named Boise, his wife Alice, and their five children named Ryan, Bryan, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Devin. The family loves to take care of their animals where they sing songs every morning while doing chores.
One day, Elizabeth's godmother gave her a duck as a present but figured that she did not want it and gave it to Devin, the youngest. Devin named the duck Stella. He took care of Stella and figured that she will have her own children soon. She then gave birth to a girl and 4 boys, all named by Devin. Devin was busy taking care of Stella when he noticed that he's been hearing voices from someone he cannot see then realized that it was Stella talking to him.
The two kept it a secret and continued to enjoy each morning together with Stella's children until one day when Devin arrived home, he was told by his father that Stella and the babies have been sold and were no longer in the farm.
Stella and Friends in West Valley journeys through an exceptional friendship, the challenges of growing apart, and the continuing hope of seeing each other again.