Human Sexuality, developed for use with Essential Health Skills for Middle School, aligns with the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades six, seven, and eight. It includes the important information students need, without the advanced discussion and complex terminology that are more appropriate for students in high school health education courses.
The chapters in this supplement contain the same features that are provided in the
Essential Health Skills for Middle School text.
- Each chapter contains skills-based activities that align to the health skill areas in the National Health Education Standards. These activities were created by experts and award-winning health education teachers. Health and wellness content focuses on the skills students can use to make healthy decisions and promote health for themselves and others.
- With up-to-date terminology and topics, Human Sexuality includes the most current, relevant health information available. This information prepares students to make healthy, responsible sexual decisions.
- Key Terms with definitions appear at the beginning of each lesson to provide a base of information for student learning. In addition, the Glossary includes all key terms with their definitions in both English and Spanish.
- Extensive supplements include customizable lesson plans for each lesson and chapter review, teacher-directed activities with handouts, vocabulary activities, reading guides, parent/trusted adult engagement assignments, review activities for differentiation, performance assessments, workbook activities, animations, and videos.