A spring celebrations with the twins Luke and Lottie!
"Perfectly decent look at two young children discovering the natural world when it's spring time. The trees are blossoming, the butterflies and squirrels are showing themselves - but wait, what's this? A homeless chick? Luckily dad is on hand to walk them through the world of their locale and find its mother. Simple artwork really shines and pops with colour, the text is hardly worth worrying about so slight is it, and it's all just a hug and a thing to read out and to point to copiously with a toddler. Preferably your own, that is. A strong four stars." - The Book Bag
"SUPER CUTE! I love the illustrations of these two kids and all the lovely animals they see. A fun story to follow along with. I'm sure your own kids will love it!" - In The Bookcase